
26 Years Diary(2007)
recently downloaded a few jap movies to watch,since i gt nothing to do at home.I finish watching it even thght the story gt abit dull at some point of time.Maybe becos its fun watchin a movie that you dont understand and had to rely on the subtitles?Both movie were about a guy n a girl,n both movie ended up with either of them dying.The second movie was based on a real person,
"Lee Su Hyon, a 26-year-old South Korean student, was killed by a train as he tried to rescue a Japanese stranger at Shin-Okubo station in Tokyo on 26 January."Recommended..XD

My Rainy Days(2009)
The movie came out last yr nov,but was screened at Singapore this month.I found a better display pic for this movie since the original 1 was abit misleading.I think this movie is quite hilarious like the parts where the girl went on a date with the guy to ancient boring places ,but she is still happy. If u like tis movie,i recommend Akaii Ito and Koizora to you too.