Part 2...the battle ended!!
i talk abt today bahx..XD
today i went to look for job at cafe plaza singapura
when we reached there..we dare nt enter..=.=
duuno y suddenly dare we walk around the plaza...
when i walked until carrefour i saw my classmate aijie..
she was working as i dun wanna kau jiao her..
n we carry on wandering around like zombies..with no goal..
i saw aijisen ..putting poster outside wanna hire i go in lor
the person in charge reject me..=(
as they wanted full!!!!...
they say full/part timers at the poster..sian 1/2..after that...
i went to bishan look for ws..n nth le..XD for the part 2 of the competition..
thx guys for supporting n tuning in to me till now..
when we reach the normal
our joh is still slping..=.=
but then nadiah was goin off liao
n so she was disqualified from the competition..=x
n so she was disqualified from the competition..=x
finally,something miracle happened....
the rain stoppped..=.=
me n wei long n terence n stanley went to look for bicycle rental shop
due to my cleverness...i mistaken the wrong time for the closing time of the rental shop
i said 8pm ..but the shop closed at 6pm..=.=
we head bak to chalet sadly...
joh finally woke up...
joh got to work the next day so he left at 8pm..
due to intense sadness(jk nia...),terence went home
pangseh kia...basket idiot..
he went home to play game..>:(
so finally the final 3 men have finally been born!!
they r me n stanley n wei long..wahahhahaha
congratz to them..they r the last MEN standing..
we had a raining bbq at night..=.=
due to our everlasting determination
we set up our fire n bbq-ed..XD
we were drenched...
quite many ppl were looking at us..i tink some got laugh..T_T
cos we were like idiots..=.=
bbq-ing in rain...but we saw plastic heads..haha
ppl putting on plastic bags walking..XD
i thght of sth great..tat is to move to a small shelter at the drain
at the backdoor....of our chalet(pic shown)
i saw 2 fireballs during my chalet...
they were caused by me talking to wei long..
n my 2 mashmallow caught fire..(is totally on kiddin..=.=)
sad sia..i couldnt save them...T_T(no fast le no time to take pic..XD)
then we eat n played n slp..XD
the next morning we all caught something great..=D
here r some pics tat i took during chalet....btw dun care abt the dates of the pics..
they gone haywires
>--the food we ate on the first the some food nt all..XD--<
>--------------------my frien wei long getting high..XD------------------<
>-------------------the happy moments when we were tgt---------------<
>------------------------------ One of the 3MAN...Me!!!-------------------------<
>---tis is the result of our determination by the 3 Man..wahahahhahahaha---<
>tis 2pics r the result of my camera with flash n w/o,btw tis is also the work of the last 3MAN<
>----"The flaming piercing heart arrow" done by my frien,wei long----<
>----A last look at our chalet(our battlefied) be4 we check out..------<
>----The FINAL 3 MAN wahoo!!!...rmb them cos they fought bravely----<
the pics r taken by the camera man..which is
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